It is recommended to Inspect your AED each month. AED Inspections are critical to ensure your device is rescue ready. An active system of controls and maintenance protocols are very important to continually monitor overall compliance and readiness. AED owners should:
1. Physically inspect the defibrillator for condition. Check to see if there are signs of
damage or operational issue. Staff should be trained to understand what "blinking
lights" or "noises" coming from an AED mean.
2. Inspect the accessories used during an emergency to verify they are still there and are
not damaged or missing. If any of these accessories are missing they should be
immediately replaced.
3. Clean the equipment as per the manufacturers recommendations.
4. Check the expiration date of the AED pads and batteries.
5. Similar to a fire extinguisher, your AED should also have a visible test inspection record
for both staff and public awareness of inspection.
AED companies such as are AED specialists and offer AED inspection services in Toronto, Ontario and surrounding areas. For more information go to:
AED Batteries AED Electrodes AED Battery AED Pads Adult AED Pads Pediatric AED Pads