At our mission and first priority is to help save lives by making AED’s more accessible. Our goal is to ensure our clients are expertly informed and advised regarding the AEDs they place in their homes, workplaces and public spaces.

The Power Of
An automated external defibrillator (AED) is not just a device—it's a beacon of hope in the face of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). While we advocate for CPR and AED training for all, our AEDs are intelligently designed to guide even the untrained through the life-saving process. They're more than machines; they're guardians of life. By ensuring widespread access to these devices and promoting awareness, we're forging a path toward a safer, more resilient Canada where every heartbeat matters.
At, we proudly stand as your leading partner for AED devices in Canada, dedicated to empowering individuals to save lives. Your safety and preparedness are our utmost priority, and is committed to supporting you every step of the way.
Lives Matter Most is committed to putting people over profit. Our success isn’t measured by sales; it is defined by our ability to provide customers with industry-leading AEDs and expertise that will protect their building occupants.
Our mission is bigger than the bottom line.’s first goal is to promote the equipment and skills that create safer public spaces. Beyond selling top-name AED units and supplies, we offer on going training and support to make sure they’re being installed, used, and maintained effectively.
Our mission relies on community. That’s why we’re proud to donate one AED for every ten units sold. It’s our way of ensuring more people have access to life-saving devices when emergency strikes.
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