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Physic Control's Latest Defibrillator Likepak CR2

Physic Control's Latest Defibrillator Likepak CR2

Physic Control’s latest defibrillator, the LIFEPAK CR2, comes with advanced technology including cprINSIGHT, and is the most efficient defibrillator on the market. The CR2 has the ability to analyze the patients’ heart while CPR is being administered, thereby shortening the time between CPR and defibrillation shock, boosting survival rates for patients.


The CR2 also includes an easy to use Paediatric button, allowing rescuers to effortlessly switch from adult to child mode, without the need to switch pads to match the patient.


The CR2 is Wifi enabled, allowing the AED to connect with LifeLink software to automatically update, notify of expired supplies and monitor for rescue-ready status.

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