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Vita First Aid keeps hearts ticking in Barrie

Vita First Aid keeps hearts ticking in Barrie

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Vita First Aid owner Martin Andrews wants to educate businesses and homeowners about the importance of having an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) device. - Janis Ramsay/Torstar

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Entrepreneur Martin Andrews has his heart set on helping people.

“When I did my research, cardiac arrest was the No. 1 killer in Canada,” Andrews said.

The more he learned about automated external defibrillator (AED) devices and how much they help in a medical emergency, the more he knew it was the right fit.

“If companies have one, there’s a 75 per cent chance of survival,” Andrews said.

Vita First Aid sells to business and property owners, so that they have an AED device available within the crucial first 10 minutes of medical distress.
“Lives are being saved every day because of these devices.”

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