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Should Your Fitness Facility Have an AED On Site?

Should Your Fitness Facility Have an AED On Site?

Do I Really Need An AED?

In the fast-paced environment of fitness facilities, where clients push their physical limits daily, being prepared for medical emergencies is not just responsible—it's essential. One critical question facility managers often face is whether to invest in an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This life-saving device can mean the difference between survival and tragedy during a sudden cardiac arrest incident.

Understanding the Critical Role of AEDs

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) can strike anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. When it occurs, the heart suddenly stops beating properly, and blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. Every minute without treatment decreases survival chances by 7-10%. This is where AEDs come into play.

An AED is a portable, user-friendly device designed to analyze heart rhythms and deliver electric shocks when necessary to restore normal heart function. Unlike manual defibrillators used by medical professionals, AEDs require minimal training to operate effectively.


Legal Requirements for Fitness Facilities

In Canada, AED requirements vary by province. While not universally mandated, many jurisdictions are moving toward requiring AEDs in public spaces, including fitness facilities. For example, Manitoba has legislation requiring AEDs in certain public facilities.

Even without explicit legal requirements, the standard of care in the fitness industry is evolving. Some facility insurance providers offer reduced premiums for facilities with AEDs and properly trained staff, recognizing their value in risk management.

The Cost Factor: AED Price vs. Value

When considering an AED purchase, facility owners often focus first on AED cost. In Canada, prices typically range from $1,595 to $2,500 for standard models. More advanced portable AED units with additional features may cost more.

However, this investment should be viewed in perspective:

  • The invaluable nature of potentially saving a client's life
  • The competitive advantage of demonstrating commitment to client safety

Many suppliers like offer financing options, making this safety investment more accessible for facilities of all sizes.

Zoll AED Plus in Carry Bag

AED vs. CPR: Why You Need Both

Understanding the relationship between AED use and CPR is crucial. While often discussed as alternatives (AED vs. CPR), they are actually complementary emergency response techniques:

  • CPR manually pumps blood through the body when the heart isn't effectively beating
  • An AED addresses the underlying electrical problem in the heart during cardiac arrest

For optimal outcomes, both should be used in a cardiac emergency. CPR buys time until an AED can be applied, and continuing CPR between AED analyses further improves survival rates.

Training Requirements: AED Certification

The good news for fitness facility operators is that AED operation requires minimal training. Most AED models provide voice prompts and visual instructions that guide users through the process. However, formal AED certification, typically included in CPR training programs, is strongly recommended for all staff members.

These certification courses:

  • Build confidence in emergency situations
  • Teach proper AED placement and operation
  • Cover integration of AED use with CPR
  • Include practice with training devices

Many organizations offer combined CPR and AED certification courses, with recertification recommended every two years.

Practical Implementation: Finding an "AED Near Me"

For fitness facilities looking to install an AED, the first step is finding a reputable supplier. A simple search for "AED near me" or "AED Canada" will reveal numerous options, including specialized providers like

When selecting a device, consider:

  • Ease of use
  • Maintenance requirements
  • Warranty terms
  • Availability of replacement parts
  • Compatibility with local emergency medical services

Once purchased, the AED should be installed in a visible, accessible location with clear signage. Staff should be familiar with its location, and regular checks should ensure the device remains in working order.

Should Your Fitness Facility Have an AED On Site?


For fitness facilities, having an AED on site is increasingly becoming the standard of care rather than an optional extra. While the initial investment may seem significant, the potential to save lives makes it invaluable. With relatively simple training requirements and the clear benefits in emergency situations, the question shifts from "Should we have an AED?" to "Why don't we have one yet?"

By investing in an AED and proper training, fitness facility owners demonstrate their commitment to creating not just an effective workout environment, but a truly safe one.  Contact today for more information.  

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