PRINCE GEORGE— MLA Shirley Bond introduced her first private members’ bill- the Defibrillator Public Access Act.
Over 40,000 Canadians go into cardiac arrest annually. When CPR and AEDs are used together in the first few minutes of someone going into cardiac arrest, survival rates can be increased by up to 75 per cent.
The act would bring more AEDs into the city, to potentially save the life of someone going into cardiac arrest.
“This is a bill that talks about public access to AEDs,” Bond says. “It’s an opportunity to save lives, looking at mandatory registration and maintenance- the kinds of things that give people assurance that if there is an AED nearby that it’s going to be in good working order.”
The Heart and Stroke Foundation urges the public to learn first aid and offers basic CPR training online.
AEDs are easy to use- they have verbal and written instructions for those using them. is here to help. Contact us today with any questions @
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